Saturday, January 28, 2012


Heart...... as an athlete you either have it or you don't!

The human Heart is something we as human beings are all born with however, it is entirely different to possess HEART!

Heart -  Passion, Desire, Never Saying Never, Giving everything for a higher cause, Living in the Moment, Dedicating yourself to something more important than just you!

Some people reference themselves as having "The Heart of a Lion!"

Why a Lion? Is it because they are strong, proud beasts, who's greatest attribute is survival! While this is every animal's main priority is to survive, not every animal is dubbed 'KING'........... Tattoo's, Poster's, iPhone backgrounds, facebook profile pictures, and car decal's all dedicated to the Heart of a Lion!

What about the heart of a turtle? A lions heart only beats for an average of 35 years, where as the galapagos land turtle lives up to 193 years..... now that is a heart that I want! However, i cannot see this catching on the the mainstream.... A poster with a turtle coming out of the ocean, and line reads 'heart of a turtle'!

How about the heart of a human being..... Lance Armstrong was born with an enlarged heart, which by clinical standards would be an issue, but in the sports world is one of his greatest attributes! His resting heart rate has been recorded as low as 28 beats per minute! That is AMAZING!

But, Heart is something we can all have! In life..... Decide what you want, develop a plan, and act out that plan with heart, and success will follow!

Stay Training My Friends!

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