Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Music in the Weight Room!

Music.... What works, and what does not work?

In my opinion, Music can create or destroy an excellent workout environment! Each individual reacts differently to specific music.... Some love Country (some hate it), Some love Hard Rock (some loathe it), Some love Hip-Hop (some despise it), and Some love Dance (and others really Love it)!

When it comes to training, one should be more focused on the task at hand, and should not even hear the music.... but in that short time between sets/exercises you want to catch wind of something amazing!

In this four part Blog, I am going to start with a great song of each category, and will venture into top 10 workout songs of each genre to help get the creative, and motivated juices flowing!!

Here We Go!

Listen, and enjoy! I hope this is a good start to feeling the vibe, and enjoying your workouts!

Stay Training My Friends!

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