Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Famous Characters in History - Part 1 (Lincoln Hawk)

1) Lincoln Hawk of the Independent Truckers (Over the Top)!

Arm-Wrestling....... quite honestly I am surprised to know this is an actual sport! Then again, Las Vegas has been known to host the worst of the worst events! I was under the impression that arm-wrestling was a way to win snack packs at lunch, prove who is the "strongest" in a group, and give meat-heads something to do after they finish eating steaks! That said, everyone is a "really good" arm-wrestler, but when they are challenged usually respond with a comment like "grow up", or "this is dumb"! Which is really just a way to get out of being beat in front of others..... but NOT Lincoln Hawk, he accepts any match, and even the strongest of challengers!

Foes like: Bull Hurley, John Grizzley, Mad Dog Madison, Carl Adams, and Harry Boscoe of the teamsters! These enemy's make me glad I don't have to step into the ring, and throw my elbow down!

Over the Top: With touching moments peppered in, this movie is an absolute roller-coaster of emotion! Truly gripping, and awful in the absolute best of ways! I have seen this cliffhanger (no pun intended sly) over 100 times, and every time I am blessed to view it, the movie gets better! Also, his special move of the mid match finger re-arrangement is a truly heart pounding maneuver that only three men in the world can do!

Lincoln Hawk is a true under-dog, and man who justs wants to live the American Dream of driving his Big Rig across the nation with a championship belt around his waist! I bet if you ask any man, he would want the same!

Best Quote: "The world meets no one half way, if you want something you gotta take it!"

Best Concept: Flipping the Switch - when Lincoln Hawk turns his hat from frontward to backward, it flips the switch in his mind turning him from a man into "a machine, like a truck!"

For all of this we Salute You Character of the Week: Lincoln Hawk

Stay Training My Friends!

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